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Updated 26 Jun 2003
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4.6.6. The 3D-Render classes EdSceneObject.PAS

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The abstract base-class for a 3D-Render window-class, and the texture-manager object which stores used textures for the 3D-view.


 The 'TSceneObject' class

Decker - 26 Jun 2003   [ Top ] 

Let me see, if I can explain what this class is all about. Mind you, I have not understanded it completly, so parts of this look-through explanation may be completly wrong.

The idea of  TSceneObject  is to encapsulate the complex data structures and 3D-render API calls, in a general class interface for QuArK to use.

It does not contain any code for a specific 3D-render, so one has to inherit from it and create a specialized class.

The main function calls into this abstract class are the following:

 procedure Init( ... ); virtual; abstract; 

This function must; initialize the window, setup default data-structures and options, and ready the 3D-render API calls by for instance load a DLL.

It is not defined in the TSceneObject class, as can be seen on the  abstract  keyword. So all classes that inherit from TSceneObject, must define the contents of this function.

 procedure BuildScene( ... ); 

info missing... 

 procedure Render3DView; virtual; abstract; 

info missing... 

 procedure AddPolyFace( ... ); 

info missing... 

 procedure AddModel( ... ); 

info missing... 

 procedure AddBezier( ... ); 

info missing... 

 procedure AddLight( ... ); virtual; 

info missing... 

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